COVİD 19; Gıda Güvenliği ve Biyoterorizm

Covid-19 döneminde gıda güvenliği ve gıda güvencesi çok daha önemli hale gelmiş durumdadır. Bulaşmanın engellenmesi çok önemlidir. Çünkü toplum her dönem olduğu gibi bu dönemde de güvenliği gıdaya muhtaçtır.

Personal Emergency State Action Preparation Guide’ prepared for the COVID-19 Pandemic

You can reach the ‘Personal Emergency State Action Preparation Guide’ prepared for the COVID-19 Pandemic as Association for Researches on Disaster on our website

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): Global Biological Disaster

The word ‘corona’ in Latin means ‘crown’ and symbolizes the general characteristic of this group. In the coronavirus family, which is divided into four groups as Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma- and Delta, COVID-19 belongs to the Beta-coronavirus 2b family. Although 70% of this species show similarities with SARS-CoV, it was determined that there was a new and different type of coronavirus. COVID-19 is a single chain enveloped RNA virus.